Quick, High Quality and Low Cost Transactions
“At Toknar we’re targeting the largely untapped €1 Trillion market of SMEs eager to sell their trade receivables.”
“By integrating Artificial Intelligence capabilities, we transform ART into a highly enhanced NFT, akin to an NFT on steroids”
We use our proprietary INVOIX TECHNOLOGY™ to offer financial institutions and corporate customers WEB 3.0, fully customizable digital platforms.
TOKNAR designs and offers WEB 3.0 digital platforms in SaaS (Software as a Service) for “invoice factoring,” “reverse factoring” and “trade receivables securitization.”
What makes our approach unique is our innovative (proprietary) technology solutions based on AI / ML and DTL technologies, which enable our “smart contracts” to read, understand and execute the clauses of any factoring agreement without human intervention. As a result, the machine can do the job of a whole factory team, significantly reducing operating costs and time.
Our advanced analytics enable us to analyse receivables pools, assess reserves, create reports and provide comprehensive dashboards for Clients
We employ cutting-edge Machine Learning, Smart Contracts, Distributed Ledger Technology, and Artificial Intelligence to run all the required servicing activities in invoice financing
We deploy unlimited computing power, effective data backup and smart disaster recovery from our secure and private virtual cloud systems
We use our proprietary INVOIX TECHNOLOGY™ to offer bespoke digital trade platforms (white label, factoring, securitisation) to fit our clients needs
More Than A Digital Platform
INVOIX™ is a multifunctional B2B digital platform specialising in invoice finance, which employs our proprietary INVOIX TECHNOLOGY™.
We can customise and integrate our INVOIX digital platform into the client’s IT system to meet all the needs of a client involved in invoice financing (invoice factoring /receivables securitisation).
INVOIX™ is a powerful digital platform with a series of modules that can be employed to custom build capability.